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【北美在线 NAOL.CA】  2012/04/18  分类:时事  来源:倍可亲

北美在线(NAOL.CA): 据ABC新闻消息,星期二,德州休斯顿一家儿科中心的停车场,一名妈妈遭到枪击,随后她怀里三天大的婴儿被袭击者抢走。  















































  A woman has been charged with capital murder in the fatal shooting of a mother and the abduction of her newborn son at a pediatric clinic near Houston Tuesday afternoon.

  Verna McClain, 30, was charged early Wednesday in the killing of Kala Marie Golden, according to the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office.

  Montgomery County District Attorney Brett Ligon said McClain's statements appear to indicate the shooting was part of a plan to kidnap a child and that Golden was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  "There were statements as indicated in the arrest record that were made by Ms. McClain that led us to believe that, in fact, this was an intentional act on her part," Ligon said. "Not that Ms. Golden was targeted specifically, but that this was part of a plan to kidnap a child."

  McClain, 30, reportedly confessed to the incident, according to the Montgomery County Police Reporter.

  Police found the boy, Keegan Schuchardt, unharmed at about 8 p.m. on Tuesday. Ligon said the boy, Keegan Schuchardt, had been in the care of Child Protective Services.

  A CPS spokeswoman, Gwen Carter, said the boy has since been reunited with family members. He was never in the legal custody of CPS, she said. She said CPS workers assisted police to make sure the family's home environment was safe for the boy and that his relatives were aware of what needed to be done to keep him safe. He and his two siblings are with the same relatives, she added.

  Although details of the slaying and kidnapping remained sketchy as authorities continued to put together pieces of a bizarre puzzle, the one unavoidable fact was that Kala Golden Schuchardt was killed about 3:40 p.m. Tuesday after taking her son, Keegan to a local pediatrician for a routine checkup at Northwoods Pediatric Center, 25214 Burrough Park Drive, near Sawdust.

  Kala Golden was getting into her pickup in the parking lot when she was approached by her attacker. She and the woman began to argue, authorities said, and the woman pulled out a pistol and began firing.

  The woman snatched the baby from Golden's arms and went to drive away in a blue or light green Lexus, according to witness accounts. The dying woman leaned into the vehicle and tried to take Keegan back, screaming "My baby!" Her attacker sped away after striking the mother and leaving her lying in the parking lot.

  A second person in the vehicle has not been identified.

  Authorities said Wednesday they found the infant at a home on FM 1960 in Spring with the suspect's sister. Spring is about 20 miles north of Houston.

  Golden's husband, Keith Schuchardt, recently announced the birth of his son on his Facebook page. "Baby Keegan is here," he posted Sunday. "Born 4/14/12, 6 lbs 15 oz, 20 inches long. Looks like me lol."

  On Wednesday, outside his single-story Spring home, Schuchardt said he was able to briefly see his infant Tuesday night but was waiting to be formally reunited with him and his two older children, ages 4 and 2. He said officials were concerned about felonies in his background and wanted him to take a drug test, scheduled for Wednesday at noon.

  He said he learned of his wife's shooting when he got a call on Tuesday from a woman at the pediatric clinic who apparently was with her as she lay dying in the parking lot. Kala Golden has asked the woman to call her husband and tell him what happened, he said. After getting the call, he rushed to the hospital, where doctors were unable to save his wife and where he learned more details about his baby's abduction.

  Schuchardt said he and Kala had been married for three years. They met in the wake of Hurricane Ike in 2008, when he was helping her father remove a tree from across the middle of the road near their family's home.

  "She was a wonderful mother, beautiful person and helped me get through a lot," he said.

  Ligon said Tuesday investigators were still trying to determine a motive for the shooting and kidnapping.

  "The main concern for law enforcement over the last five hours has been the recovery of the child," he said.

  Court documents released to KTRK-TV detail how the suspect's sister reportedly told authorities that McClain had been wanting to adopt a child. Records show McClain was licensed as a vocational nurse in Texas on Oct. 21, 2010 and has no disciplinary actions against her.

  The AP reported she is not employed by the Northwoods Pediatrics Center, according to a receptionist at the clinic, Jackie Longoria.

  The Associated Press contributed to this report.



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