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美正式批准骆家辉任驻华大使 美网民集体愤怒(图)

【北美在线 NAOL.CA】  2011/07/28  分类:时事  来源:中国军事迷网

北美在线(NAOL.CA): 美国参议院27日一致通过美国商务部长骆家辉担任美国驻华大使的提名。












  WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Commerce Secretary Gary Locke, tapped to be the next U.S. envoy to China, vowed on Thursday to win more access to Chinese markets, press for a flexible yuan currency and push for more action against counterfeiting of American products.

  Locke told the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee he would also raise concerns about China's human rights record and convince the Chinese to be more helpful in curbing the nuclear ambitions of North Korea and Iran.





  .TJD Wed Mar 09, 2011 08:17 am PST Report Abuse

  "Obama picks Locke"

  funny stuff there....


  .dragon eat bear and eagle 15 hours ago Report Abuse

  It's not cool to go against your homeland gary


  John J Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:16 am PST Report Abuse

  Ambassador Huntsman speaks Chinese and the new Ambassador Locke most likely speak a word or two of cantonese...

  Not sure what kind impact in the SinoUS relationship he create..



  John J 20 hours ago Report Abuse

  if Locke talked to the CHinese Govt like a white ango-saxon politician, he'll get nowhere with the Chinese.

  If he doesn't adjust his game plan and use his Chinese hertiage as his bargaining chip, he's just another white guy trying to get China to be like the west.



  【盎格鲁-撒克逊(Anglo-Saxon)的本意就是盎格鲁(Angles) 和撒克逊(Saxons)两个民族结合的民族,是一个集合用语,通常用来形容五世纪初到1066年诺曼征服之间,生活于大不列颠东部和南部地区,在语言、种族上相近的民族。他们使用非常相近的日耳曼方言,被毕德认为是三个强大的日耳曼部族-源自日德兰半岛的盎格鲁人(Angles)和朱特人(Jutes)以及来自之后称作下萨克森地区的撒克逊人(Saxons)的后裔。盎格鲁人有可能来自Angeln,毕德描述他们的整个国家都来到了不列颠,留下他们空空的古老大地。英国也被叫做盎格鲁-撒克逊】

  Joe Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:46 am PST Report Abuse

  WASHINGTON (AFP) – Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday told Americans downcast by their woeful economy not to fear China's giddy rise. "There is no reason for Chinese prosperity to detract from prosperity in Australia, the United States or anywhere in the world," she told a joint session of the US Congress. "Prosperity can be shared. We can create wealth together."

  华盛顿(法新社)澳大利亚总理茱莉亚吉拉德,在星期三告诉美国那些为他们悲惨的经济气馁的人,不应为中国的快速崛起而恐惧。“没有理由因中国的繁荣而贬低澳大利亚、美国和世界上其它任何地方的繁荣”她在美国国会的联合会议上说,“繁荣是可以共享的,我们可以一起创造财富” 爱国交流理性平台

  BirdWatcher Wed May 04, 2011 08:43 am PDT Report Abuse

  "Commerce Secretary Gary Locke accused Beijing of discouraging foreign investment to protect its own companies "

  In reality, US is doing a lot more to limit Chinese investments.

  Americans like Locke = Hypocrites




  DNuke3DEE Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:04 am PST Report Abuse

  what kind of chinese name is locke???


  Archie Bunker 16 hours ago Report Abuse

  The focus of this clown is as shallow as the previous focus, which landed us in this mess.

  China passed the US as the world's largest exporter of high-tech goods in 2006. (Google it).

  China produces high and low tech goods cheaper than we do. Until something is done about that, there is no reason to expect them to listen. China holds 10% of our debt, about one fourth of the 40% the Fed holds. Since our money is inflating at close to 10%, we need to worry more about our money than theirs.

  China, Russia, Brasil, and India have huge trade arrangements and China characteristically does business deals instead of bombing other countries.

  maybe we could learn from China, if we didn't think we know everything, already. Personally, I don't care if China makes Mickey Mouse t shirts without paying Disney.




  frank 13 hours ago Report Abuse

  what about proliferation of american conventional weapons in the world....that is a bigger problem!!!


  Lemme_steal_something_too 20 hours ago Report Abuse

  Reballanced like, we print the paper and ask them to give the paper back for nothing?


Yahoo 21 hours ago Report Abuse

  he's a banana, brown skin outside, but inside it's all white.


 GOD Tue May 03, 2011 11:48 pm PDT Report Abuse

  stupid Locke talking, US also applies policies prohibiting China companies to operate even in US soil such as industry related to telecommunication, IT, mining and petrol chemical industry, and retail, eg Huawei.


  Fan Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:46 am PST Report Abuse

  Locke speaks a bit Cantonese, not Mandarin. But he'll just be another pawn for Hilary Clinton to play. Nothing to see here.


  James Wed Mar 09, 2011 04:41 pm PST Report Abuse

  Locke has done a GREAT job in the past. I'm sure he will be a great ambassador.


  jpinst 16 hours ago Report Abuse

  Have we not been hearing this same SH*#T for the last fifteen years? It's like the people that deal with China are either inept, afraid of China, or just plain retarded.


  tizzy Wed May 04, 2011 04:18 am PDT Report Abuse

  If Locke does as poorly as an Ambassador to China as he did as governor of the state of Washington for 8 years, absolutely nothing will be accomplished by this fool. His crowning accomplishment as governor was to get Boeing corporate headquarters to move out of the state and look what has happened since. Boeing is now building the 787 in the Carolina's with non-union laborers. Granted, they are better workers that their union counterparts, but the point is, the state of Washington needed the jobs and the tax revenue that Locke shipped out of state.


TankMan Tue May 03, 2011 09:51 pm PDT Report Abuse

  Too much talk, no action!


  Stuck in the Far East Wed Mar 09, 2011 05:17 pm PST Report Abuse

  The fact that he is Chinese-American but does not speak mandarin Chinese will cause him to lose face in China. The Chinese really look down on those who's families have left China but do not maintain cultural ties. Whether or not he is qualified for the position, this fact alone shows an error in judgement on Obama's part as it exposes his new apointee to criticism and demonstrates a lack of understanding of Chinese political correctness. Many Chinese would rather be-friend a westerner as a sign of status rather than the grandson of an emigree who has lost touch with his roots.


  DNuke3DEE Tue May 03, 2011 11:38 pm PDT Report Abuse

  you gotta love all these sycophant chinese... pathetic.


  the truth czar Wed Mar 09, 2011 05:00 pm PST Report Abuse

  'hey...does anyone know an oriental??? do??.....ok....hire him'

  ---obama 03 2011


  ——奥巴马 03 2011

 water Thu Mar 10, 2011 06:19 pm PST Report Abuse

  America is in big trouble.

  It has a weak, incompetent, President, who has no loyalty to the US, appointing a Chinese, who has close ties to China, as ambassador to China.

  Who will control the new "sock puppet" China or the US? Who will the new puppet report to - China, the US or both?

  America is in big trouble.





  1600PENNAVE STINKS 21 hours ago Report Abuse

  can't obama, bow, kiss butt and handle it?


  Wake-Up Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:04 am PST Report Abuse

  Does Locke speak Chinese?


  Just Me 5 hours ago Report Abuse

  It doesn't matter who the US government will send as envoy to China; it will make no difference. The only way both nations can foster their ties is for each other to give & take in their dealings rather than to demand & take, never give.



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