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【北美在线 NAOL.CA】 2010/01/02  分类:时事



2010年的政坛,究竟会发生什么大事呢?身居加拿大首都渥太华市的占卜师Blair Robertson做出了大胆的预测,北美在线特约评论员大道为你编译其要点如下:




1. 一位政治领袖坠机身亡,虽然目前未知其是否加拿大人;

2. 加拿大4月份将再次迎来联邦政府大选,结果是现任执政党保守党首次以多数党地位大胜,哈珀总理卫冕成功。

3. 更加令人意外的是,到时候输掉大选的并非现任主要反对党领袖叶礼庭(Michael Ignatieff),而是接下来90天内篡党夺权的Bob Rae 。

4. 重大安全事故使人蒙羞;

5. 风流丑闻和背叛先后出现;



Tories set for majority: Psychic

Sat Jan 2, 4:39 AM

Who will be prime minister this time next year?

When will the next election be held?

What lies in store for Canada's political leaders?

For years, politicians have sought the answers to questions just like these, consulting advisers and polling the public.

Some, like former prime minister Mackenzie King, have even turned to less conventional means such as psychics, seances and crystal balls.

As we head into 2010, we asked well-known Ottawa psychic Blair Robertson to gaze into his crystal ball.

His prediction -- scandal, betrayal, a security breach, an election and a majority government await Canada's politicians this year.

Robertson also predicts a major political leader will die in a plane crash, although he doesn't know if it will be a Canadian.

While Canada's federal party leaders say they are in no hurry for an election, Robertson predicts Canadians will go to the polls in April and the winner will be Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

"The next election it will be Harper and he's going to have a majority for sure."

But it won't be Michael Ignatieff who leads Liberal troops to defeat, he predicts.

"I think he is going to be pushed out and Bob Rae will take over as Liberal leader within 90 days."

Although Parliament Hill tightened security after Greenpeace supporters managed to get onto the roof of the West Block and hang climate change banners, Robertson predicts there will be another incident.

"There will be a major security breach which is going to bring about considerable embarrassment," he says.

Robertson predicts the culprits will get into some place where they aren't allowed and it will be done to make a political point rather than to harm someone.

Green Party Leader Elizabeth May will be in the glare of the media spotlight, he says.

"There's going to be a scandal in the Green Party involving May. It's going to be a false scandal but a scandal nonetheless and that will be within six months."

Alberta's Wildrose Alliance Party will spread like wildfire and change the political landscape -- both federally and provincially, he says.

Robertson is the first to admit his predictions haven't always panned out, although he has a pretty impressive track record.

Among his recent predictions that have come to pass were that golfer Tiger Woods would get in trouble and that a ferry would sink in the Philippines.

Only time will tell if his predictions prove right this time.


Blair Robertson uses numerology to gain insight into the character of individuals. Here's what he sees in the numbers for some of Canada's top politicians.



He has the arrow of ambition. He is goal-oriented and needs to see things through to completion.

Once he has made up his mind, it would be difficult for advisers to get him to change it unless they could get him to see something he hadn't seen before.

He can be expressive, but tends to keep things to himself.

"If you wanted to get something done, you would be best not to cross him ... He would move you out of his way to get the job done."



He has the arrow of ambition but while he is good at starting things he can get sidetracked along the way and have difficulty completing them.

Very grounded, very earthy -- a trait that is typical of a lot of high intellectuals.

He's very sincere. Honestly wants to make a difference in the world. But doesn't really know where he wants to go.

"He would have made a better adviser than a leader. I think his advice would have been powerful to somebody who knows how to run in the political circles."



He has the ability to change as need be. "He's able to morph himself into something." Such as his transformation from unruly hair and jeans to slick suit-wearing federal politician.

He has the arrow of completion on the right-hand side. "He can set his mind to something, he can plan for it and he has the willpower to achieve things."

"When he sets his mind to something, he will persist and persist and persist and persist."



Family is paramount to him. Family can be immediate family or community.

Grounded and very sincere in his beliefs.

Would rather die than back down from his beliefs. Better to find common ground than to try to argue with him.

"He's a dangerous opponent in the sense that if he is set on separating from Canada, he's going to go for that no matter what, he's going to stick to his beliefs no matter what."



Someone who is prepared to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Could not rule out him knifing Michael Ignatieff in the back to become leader.

Family is extremely important to him. Money is very important to him.

Extremely systematic.

"If something is in Bob Rae's way and he wants it, he is going to get it. He really desperately wants to be the leader. He desperately wants to be the prime minister."



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